игра классная покупайте особенно если любите червяков
игра классная покупайте особенно если любите червяков
Купил и разочаровался, старые червяки были куда лучше во много раз. Во первых была смешная русская озвучка, действительно качественная, из разных кинофильмов, или нечто вроде в стиле перевода Гоблина. Потом это долбаное 3D, что за мода пошла - классические двухмерные игрушки с великолепной отрисовкой и детализацией впихивать в дешевенькое, едва текстурирированное 3D. Кому оно надо? Цвет какой то слишком кислотный, поиграл несколько часов, до зевоты, выключил, и больше не хочу. Единственный плюс после игры, это поскорее оттуда выйти, цвет рабочего стола как бальзам для глаз, мягко, спокойно, уютно. Вобщем тем кто знаком с червяками, не реклмендую, жалко смотреть на то что сейчас из игры сделали.
Но на маке! С удовольствием прошел все уровни и очень удивился когда не нашел мультипеер режима игры по сети... Вспомнил первых червяков, какими пиксельными они были, аж прослезился ) Из недостатоков можно отметить плохую озвучку (очень урезаны видимо голосовые базы) и тормоза, опять же видимо из-за некачественного портирования на мак платформу. Хоть игра и сыровата, урезана, но поностальгировать можно, самое оно!
На PC все время играл в Worms Armageddon. Могу сравнивать только с ними. Минусы: - здесь нет мультиплеера! Можно играть только самому либо с другом, если он сидит рядом и будет тыкать кнопки в твоем же компутере. Без мультиплеера червяки неочень интересны. - В кампаниях и других типах игры довольно скудное количество уровней. - Нельзя играть в окне. Только полноэкранный режим, который не свернуть. Можно только выйти. - Системные сообщения не показываются. Если у вас садится ноутбук, то вы узнаете об этом, когда он вырубится. - Качество графики оставляет желать лучшего. Плюсы: в озвучке есть русский язык! Ну и конечно ностальгия! Я проиграл все выходные и остался вполне доволен! Большой выбор оружия. Некоторое раньше никогда не видел. P.S. надеюсь авторы как-то обратят внимание не недочеты и исправят их. Самый главный, повторюсь, отстутсвие мультиплеера!
смысл заголовка сводится к тому, что это хоть и Worms, но не те червяки, из Worms Armageddon. Немного другая физика, графика. генерация карт на мой взгляд неудачная, время выдачи и количество оружия. Минусов много. Но это видно лишь фанату первых частей червей. Или это все предрассудки? Из плюсов - заметно улучшен ИИ, и заработать 666 побед и 0 поражений в игре с компьютером стало гораздо сложнее, чем в предыдущих играх. Итого мой рейтинг: __От фаната Armageddon - 3 звезды, спасибо, то испортили __За игру, отбросив предрассудки, 5.
Заработок на ностальгии. цена игре 1,99$ Некачественно, недоработано, не более чем удовлетворительно. Версия для iOS немного лучше (но там InApp)
игра понравилась только вот как червяком задом прыгать
Update the game so it can work on Apple silicon please
I absolutely adore this game!! Please update it for Big Sure so I can play it more!!
ecxelente juego y divertido
Does not work on Catalina. Hope they fix this soon
No indication that it does not work with Catalina. Wasted $3.99.
Just purchased this game and it will not open. I have restarted my 2019 Macbook Pro and reinstalled the app several times with no such luck. This is a known issue with the latest version of Catalina 10.15.2. Avoid games from this developer.
Not compatible with macOS Catalina. Don't bother installing.
Game advertises local multiplayer, whish is hot seat multiplayer, not a networked multiplayer. It's misleading description, and huge disappointment.
I’ve been an avid Worms player all my life; so when I saw that this was available for Mac, I knew it was just for me. I felt so many fun memories coming back to me...Except for this completely unnecessary feature = single player campaign puzzles?!?! WHY??? These completely ruined the gaming experience for me; I play Worms to battle in fun and complex scenarios, not to waste time on worthless puzzles. Maybe this might be good for people that enjoy puzzles, but these are not for me… I felt taken aback and lost interest in compelting the campaign all together. Seriously, what was Team17 thinking? Instead, they should have added more battle scenarios, other landscapes or new quirky weapons… Overall, it is still somewhat a fun game; but these puzzles (which are unbelievably and excruciatingly annoying) really bring it down...
When using Worms on MacBook Pro (early 2011), while using the latest OSX software currently a beta user “Yosemite”, the mousepad or keyboard does not function. One can not play the game. Please update and fix asap, thanks!
Awesome game but my achievements are gone everytime I open the game. It’s very annoying in campaign mode.
Just like the classic worms armageddom but updated and better. I have been looking for a mac version for a while. Love this game!!!
I haven't played Worms in years. It's great to see it in the App Store. If you've never played it it's well worth the $10. My only complaint, I'm echoing a previous review here, and the reason Its not a 5 star game is that it has to be run in full screen mode. A windowed mode, or the abilty to switch desktops is a nessestiy for me. I'd gladly upgrade my rating if this is fixed in a future version.
It's a fun game, but I would love to have PS3 controller support so multiplayer would be easier. It's worth the money without that feature, but it would be so much more fun if it supported PS3 controllers.
You guys really should set up a player vs. player server or something with this game cause then a lot more people would buy it. It's a lot more fun playing with other people and not just bots all the time. I promise make it and see how big it gets.
Thats my only complaint. Solid game other wise
It needs an update. I already did the campaign and the warzone missions. i want more.
I'm a long time Worms fan and when I saw that it was available for Mac I was jacked!! Especially since I'll be playing it on my TV with a wireless trackpad and keyboard. nothing like killing cute little worms from the comfort of my couch... Also, I'm a huge fan of the beast so as you can imagine I was enthralled when I noticed the 666 MB size...YES! Hail mighty lord below!
No online??? Come on its 2013
This game is amazing. It's a classic party game. This game is best played with your friends. You'll be laughing and screaming when your friend accidently bazookas his own teammate right into the water. I would give this 5 stars exept the single player is not that good. But other than that it's a great game!!!!!!
Worms is a great game, but with this version I have a lot of trouble! The controls often times respond so late that I think they don't work at all. A minute later my worm soldier starts then acting out all the buttons I tried to use and ruinig my turn. It's so bad I thinking of asking for a refund but I would rather see an update that fixes these issues. Vote up if you feel the same way.
Awful from the menu to the actual gameplay and game experience. It seem like developers don't actually play it themselves, cause the game is very laggy, the "new icons" art is unintuitive and distracting. Not user-friendly menus at all. They should actually think more about their GUIs. Map editor is very hard to use. Team 17 doesn't even trying and the only reason for this release is to grab some money. Early days they could do much better. Very disappointed.
I got this game because I remember playing the old worms armeggedon. And this game certainly doesn't dissapoint. Great game, and great price. Would be worth double the money though if they could make in online multiplayer.
The game is really good; when you're actually playing. The menu interface is very unresponsive. For some odd reason when I click on something in a menu, it will take about 5 seconds to react, and that is, if it reacts at all. I know the game is thinking because of my inablility to move my cursor when this happens. When I tried to quit, it wouldn't let me after 5 attempts so I had to force quit the app. Once I get in the game, it runs perfectly and is a lot of fun. I recommend this app, but just don't expect good menus
This game is great, its blowing people up but not bloody,fun,not to easy,not to hard, awesome. I would like it (like some others) if there were 8 teams…..More firing ranges……And that we could make each worm on our team different. Thanks for another AMAZING!! Worms game Captain of the Angels,signing out
I bought this game thinking i'd be able to play it in a networked fashion. No such luck. Any turn based game that doesn't support networked multiplayer is just is just a waste.
Everything seems to be ok with this game except for the right click and left click. I found myself repeatedly trying to right click to show my weapons before the menu would actually appear. If that was fixed the game would be great.
If you can only have one game for leisure, that's it.
It is fun like all Worms games are. It is enjoyable and the weapons are just like 15 years ago when I last played this. The problem is it has crashed twice and now my MacBook Pro seems to get sluggish at time ever since installing it.
I'm glad to see this game still receives updates. One thing I would like to see for Lion is more full screen support. This way i don't have to quit the game to view something on a different desktop (iTunes, Chrome etc..) This game is almost perfect. It has that great classic worms fun with a few tweaks to make the items more balanced. Great having high quality worms upgraded from N64 graphics. It would be great is LAN support for multiple computers as crowding around a laptop is not quite ideal for more than 2 people. Also it really bothers me that you're stuck in full screen mode while the game is launched. That means if I want to get into iTunes or Chrome I have to quit my current game. Thats a big no no
i played it once and i cant open it now...can someone please tell me what to do to make it work again?
Overall, the game is fun, and just like the classic worms that you expect. The interface is a bit dated, and seems to require more keyboard work than expected. Still, this is a bit of a slowdown, and the game is still a lot of fun overall.
I used to play this game all the time in the 90's, it had me glued to the computer then and this new Worms App has me glued to my laptop now! Its so much like the original, so entertaining, and its awesome! Really helps pass time at work! I'm hoping they come out with more Worms Apps!
I convinced my office mates to purchase the game, only to find out we had to be sitting at the same computer. This would totally get 5 stars if that one huge multiplayer tweek could happen. Maybe we will see it in a later version?
Love the game. Only things left to be desired, in my opinion, are the ability to play in a window rather than only full screen, or at least to be able to switch to a new desktop so that you don't have to quit the game if you ever want to go to a different application. Would also love to have the weapon shortcut keys back again, and of course multiplayer would be sweet. The game is loads of fun though; great to be able to play on Mac.
its just amazing but needs internet battle !
This is one of my favorite games on the mac but I think that Worms™ Ultimate Mayhem is the best worms game. Please make Worms™ Ultimate Mayhem for mac!
I've been a Worms fan since Worms 2 for PC, and this game is almost comparable (though nothing will match Armageddon it seems). While I like a lot of the new features like persistent fire, Buffalo of Lies instead of Mad Cows, and the laser sighted shotgun, there are a few things it's missing that I think would make it better when compared to the other computer titles (some of these would be nice for the DS, and iOS versions too) 1. The older games had 8 worm teams, this game, and the portable versions, only allow 4. I undestand this limitation for portables, but on a computer you should get the full 8 worm team. 2. I miss my weapon shortcuts. in previous games you could select weapons by pressing, for example, f1 to get the bazooka family (bazooka, grenade, cluster bomb, etc.) f2 for the shotgun family and so on. Please bring this back, it would make the games where you have short time limits a lot more manageable. 3. The jetpack's fuel does not last long enough. Even in the portable versions it lasts almost twice as long. Currently it is almost useless, please fix this guys, seriously. Great game in light of those things. I've long awaited a Worms game for Mac, and while this isn't perfect, it's certainly worth the $10 price tag
A friend and I always play this game when we have free time on campus. It's really addicting. The only thing that could make this better is to have Online games. Local, and Worldwide games...possible future features? I think so.
This is a great game just like the old one but one thing that is needed is an online update so you can play against other people over the internet.
Initially this game is a nuisance, or at least it was for me: I never played the earlier WORMS games. The controls are initially awkward, the computer plays decently even on "beginninger" setting (and finding that setting takes some exploration through the menus). The tutorials are not great. However, if you take an hour or two to fiddle with the tutorials and then play some "multiplayer" games alone (playing both teams), you can get the hang of it. The campaign mode is not bad, and single player is fine, but at first both of these can be frustrating since the computer will kill your worms while you're still trying to find out what button does what. The whole thing is, incidentally, very cute and violent, has lots of funny options, and is lots of fun. This is a great game that's resting on its laurels a bit, I suppose: but keep at it for a couple of hours to get the feel of it (in multiplayer!), and the fun opens up.
I have been looking for a mac version of Worms for an extremely long time. And when I found it on the appstore it did not dissapoint. Worms is a classic game that will give you many memories. Graphic style: 10/10 (They did some awesome updates from the old versions of worms) Gameplay: 10/10 Everything is extremely easy to remember when it comes to controls and when you don't remember you can always remap it to the way you want :) SFX: 20/10 This particular are in this game was extremely well done. From the voices of the worms, to the big bang from the bazooka everything is absaloutly amazing. Campaign: 10/10 The campaign is extremely fun and since you gain points from doing the campaign it keeps you going so that you can buy the next big weapon or hat etc. Overall this game is highly reccommended for you to buy, you will not regret it :) Thank you Team 17 :D
I got to the last level and in those tool boxes i get a parachute and a grider. How the heck are you suppose to defeat that level with those? I can't get to the supply box that contains armageddon. Researching online, found out that i am suppose to get a ninja rope and a drill. BUG!! so that i can't beat the whole game.. That's lame devs...
This game takes me back to the Worms of old. The game keeps the play style of the old Win based game but addes way better resolution (my MBP at 1440x900 resolution is supported). The game adds a new depth where a campaign is played to earn "cash" where the player can buy bling for their worms. I've not had it crash so far, unlike the old Worms Armageddon game.
can you play online with other people with differnet computer
love it can't stop playingg four stars because when i do play it, my computer goes crazy and it heats up!
I've played this game since it came out for Nintendo 64 and i think its a great game for MAC and it runs awesome .. i have a 15 Inch macbook pro and its just great! Although i do agree it should have an online server to play against other people worldwide.
As a kid I loved playing Worms 2 and Worms Armagaedon. Coming back, here's what I'm disappointed with: -Only 4 worms per team -Computers lack weapon diversity (this has always been a problem) -Worms aren't very mobile without ninja ropes/jet packs, their jumps are especially short (and seem shorter than I remember, even) -No descriptions of weapons or their damage -Didn't feel like most weapons gave me strategic diversity: I found it extremely hard to predict how I would move a worm by hitting it with a weapon, which made the game feel -unidimensional -Even when I played a mission over again because I lost, I didn't feel like strategizing really changed up the game, because again I felt like I had very little control here. Mostly games seemed to go differently because computers did a random move -Campaign 'puzzles' are far too easy. When you're given one item to work with, its pretty obvious what to do. -Campaign 'races' with the ninja rope/jet pack were also too easy -There isn't an option to increase the difficulty level as far I could tell -Don't like how the weapon interface covers the whole screen; this is especially annoying on games with shorter move times. This contributes to not being able to think about what a smart move would be that turn This is just a long list of little things that added up to a very disappointing experience. I'm going to go back to playing Arcanists, which, while not nearly as humorous, I find much more strategically engaging.
well this game is the best game out there on the mac app store! its great and u wont ever get bored of it but it needs one thing.. online multiplayer and i hope one day we'll get that :D